lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020



Continuem treballant els diferents skills i ara toca treballar la comprensió auditiva i l’ expressió escrita. Per tal de treballar els dos skills us deixo l’ enllaç al vídeo. Recordeu que podreu veure el vídeo tantes vegades com necessiteu per tal de contestar el qüestionari que us deixo sota l’ enllaç del vídeo.

El vídeo  és “Charles Dickens” espero que us agradi. 

Answer the qüestions. Remember complete answers are not necessary:
1.- Name 2 famous authors who have lived and worked in London:
2.- Name two of the topics Charles Dickens wrote about:
3.- How many novels did he write?
4.- Why did Dickens write about London people and society?
5.- When was Charles Dickens born?
6.- Answer true or false: Charles Dickens’ family was poor and when he was 17 years old his father went to prison.
7.- When he left school he started working. Name where:
8.- How many hours a day did he work?
9.- What happened to him in 1824?
10.- What can you find in Fleet Street?
11.- What are many of his stories about?
12.- Answer true or false: In 1836 Dickens wrote his first novel – The Pickwick Papers.
13.- Was his first novel a big success?
14.- When did he marry?
15.- What is the name of Charles Dickens’ second novel?
16.-Answer true or false: Despite being rich he continued to write about the working class.
17.- What kind of heroes can you find in his novels and stories?
18.- When did Dickens die?
19.- What happened in London in 1925?
20.- Answer true or false: Charles Dickens museum has been a very popular tourist attraction ever since.

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